生々流転 車田正美オフィシャルサイト




"Hello Kurumada-Sensei,
I am a fan of yours from the United States, and I must thank you for creating some of my absolute favorite manga. When DiC's version of the Saint Seiya anime, Knights of the Zodiac, first came out I was not interested in it, but later I decided to try out the B't X anime. I really enjoyed it & then decided to try out the Ring ni Kakero 1 anime, which I also really enjoyed. Finally, I decided to try out the Saint Seiya manga, and from then on out I was a giant fan of your works. I have read all of Saint Seiya (and some of Next Dimension), all of B't X, all of Ring ni Kakero 1 (at least, as well as I could with my limited knowledge of Japanese), some of Ring ni Kakero 2, Fuma no Kojirou, Fuma no Kojirou: Yagyu Ansatsu-cho, and even some of your short stories like Mabudachi Jingi & Shiro-Obi Taisho. I have seen all of the anime adaptations of Seiya, B't X, Kojirou, & Ring ni Kakero 1, and have enjoyed all of them as well.

Unfortunately, your works just don't receive as much recognition here in the United States, so it is admittedly hard to be a fan of your works like I am. I am happy to see the Saint Seiya anime be given a new release here, but I would love to be able to watch (& preferably own) the B't X, Fuma no Kojirou, & especially Ring ni Kakero 1 anime productions legally with English subtitles. I know that this is beyond your abilities, but I would just love to be able to share your works with other people in much easier ways. Hopefully that can happen one day.

Anyway, congratulations on being a manga-ka for 40 years & here's hoping you can keep going on strong. I look forward to seeing more Seiya Next Dimension made & I am very curious about your return to Otoko Zaka. I also hope that more anime based on your works get made, especially those that are not Saint Seiya. I really love the Ring ni Kakero 1 anime & would love to see that adapt all the way to the end of the original manga. Also, with this year marking the 20th Anniversary of B't X (& Monthly Shonen Ace magazine) as well, I would love to see a new, 100% accurate, anime for B't X. Finally, with the Otoko Zaka manga returning, it would be great to see an anime adaptation of the original three volumes of Otoko Zaka. Since there is little chance of your other manga getting released here in America, Seiya & B't X getting fully released were miracles enough, I do feel that your work has the best chance at getting to a larger audience here in the U.S. if they are given new anime adaptations, since they could then have a chance at getting simulcasted on services like CrunchyRoll.

Once again, thank you for all of your work. I love the passion you put into the pages of your manga, and I can only hope that more people notice it, too."
George J. Horvath2014/5/12
Saint Seiya Next Dimension
"Mestre kurumada obrigado pela extraordin?ria hist?ria de Saint Seiya e Ring ni kakero.
Agora, vamos esperar saint seiya next dimension que continua a dar-nos hist?rias fant?sticas.
Por favor, fa?a que o gold saint de Ophiuchus muito poderoso, como um deus.
Eu adoraria tamb?m ver Seiya e Seika, todos os f?s t?m esperado por anos esta reuni?o."


Sehr geehrter Herr Kurumada!
Zum der 40 Jahrestag die allerherzlichsten Gl?ckw?nsch.
Ich w?nsche Ihnen alles Gute.

mit Besten Gr?ssen Ihr Helga
" dear masami kurumada
congratulate you on your 40th Work Anniversary, i'm from vietnam.lots of people like your manga ,especially saint seiya. I and everyone in Vietnam series Saint Seiya hope this will not end soon and hope that the series will be even better"
Thank you for Saint seiya. I'm very happy and I love Saint seiya.
Toey love milo2014/5/10
"Dear Kurumada Sensai

Thank you for return my inspiration : D I use to will for doing commit suicide coz I lost all my inspire of drawing and for life but then the last thing I wish on that time is to complete watching saintseiya that I use to watch when I'm little so I end up love it and start to gather friend who like saintseiya and back to who I want to be again.

I learn about you and I think it's hard to come these state . Now a day lot of anime and manga 's era quite different than what I use to but saint seiya still the same . being frame by how it is being and era for a grow up to grow together ; D Thank you for a frame you light in other . > <,, I love all picies character Thank for them speacily haha acturally Thank for every character you draw I love them all . fightoooooooooooooooo for tmr and tmr of tmr and all your life. You are such a greatful person ^^

God bless you happy and healthy > <<br />"
"Kurumada Sensei thank you very much for all !!! I'm a great Fan of your works, expecially Saint Seiya and Next Dimension, never stop to Burn Your Cosmo Sensei !!!!Your story and your characters have always been a great inspiration to me, and really, all that i can say in this few words is : Thank You !!!
from Italy, your biggest fan! A presto e grazie ancora, Maestro !!!"
"Muito Obrigado, Mestre Kuramada.

Agora eu gostaria muito de ver em Saint Seiya Next Dimension, o santo de ouro de Ophiuchus, Sagit?rio, Escorpi?o e Aqu?rio, eles devem ser grandes lutadores.
Espero tamb?m que o deus Chronos ? o mais poderoso inimigo final do mang? de ND.
Seiya, Saori, Shiryu, Hyoga, Shun, Ikki VS Chronos seria ?timo, fant?stico."
"Dear Kurumada sensei,

Firstable, I would like to thank you for all your work. You have make life better for a lot of young French people and myself to.
Maybe it is difficult for you to understand but I want you to know that your manga and especialy SAINT SEIYA is very important for me and has great importance in my life since 25 years.
I've been happy, very enthusiastic and passionate to read the legend of Seiya, Shiry?, Ikki, Shun and Hy?ga during all this years from the Galaxian Wars to the Holly War against Hades.

I also want to thank you for continuing the adventure with the Manga ""The Next Dimension"" because I send you a letter 15 years ago to please you to do it and you finally done, thank you. I always wanted to know the previous Holly War with Libra No Dohko also named 老師 (ROSHI). I and a lot of french people are big fans of this character because he is so wise, so nice and so powerful but we didn't know all his legend (he is a ""densentsu Sainto"") and maybe it will be done in this story and we are so pleased.
天秤座の童虎は私の好きな??黄金聖闘士 です. サガからは、老齢ながら全聖闘士中で最強と評されていた

Thank you very much, Kurumada sensei, and take care of yourself.

From a old French Fan.

"Vive Masami Kurumada, vive Saint Seiya, vive Next Dimension !

A ce propos j'esp?re que les prochains chapitres sortiront bient?t et que le rythme de publication se fera de plus en plus soutenu!

Bon anniversaire encore Maitre Kurumada ^^"
車田は、我々は聖闘士星矢を愛するようにあなたに感謝する先生! 私はあなたの最新の漫画、次の次元で、あなたがすることを心から願っています騎士の金は、物理的に異なると非常に強力な射手座!よろしくお願いします。
Pablo Korona2014/5/9
"Hola se?or masami kurumada, espero se encuentre bien y lleno de bendiciones, a pesar de no conocerlo lo estimo mucho. No s? si pueda leer este mensaje ya que soy mexicano y no hablo japon?s, encontr? una p?gina traductora y espero lo pueda traducir como se debe en Jap?n mi escrito. Les escribo para pedirles un favor s?per grande y espero de todo coraz?n que me ayuden pues desde hace tiempo me estoy tratando de comunicar con usted y no e podido, ya he hecho todo lo que est? en mi alcance pero nada, incluso les escribir a los de indautor de Jap?n pero no eh recibido respuesta., pero bueno, mi nombre es Leonel Mart?nez Jim?nez y soy del estado de puebla, del pa?s M?xico. Miren yo crec? con la serie los caballeros del zodiaco (saint seiya) y hace cinco a?os escrib? cinco pel?culas con nuevos caballeros e historia pero todas derivada de su serie, ahora que tengo dinero y quiero registrarlas aqu? en M?xico, los de indautor me piden la autorizaci?n del principal autor que es usted, ya que mis pel?culas son derivadas de su serie original, debo mencionar que es un proyecto que tengo desde hace 5 a?os y mi mayor ilusi?n es llevarlas a cabo a las pantallas grande, esperando que alg?n estudio de animaci?n me patrocine, tambi?n le comunico que solo voy a registrar lo que yo invente que son los nuevos personajes, los escenarios y los guiones de las pel?culas. No sab?a d?nde comunicarme con usted pero los de indautor de aqu? de M?xico me proporcionaron esta p?gina (OMPI) para que ellos me ayudaran pero no he recibido respuesta. Le pido mucho a dios que me ayude a que usted lea esto por medio de su face y me d? su autorizaci?n para que yo pueda registrar la continuaci?n de la serie, no s?, si me tiene que enviar un documento donde mencione o estipule la autorizaci?n para el registro, pero yo conf?o que usted me apoyen y sepa c?mo ayudarme, pues tengo mucha fe que usted me d? su autorizaci?n para registrar solo la derivaci?n o la continuaci?n de la serie, aclaro que son 5 pel?culas. Bueno espero su respuesta y a bajo les mando lo que me mandaron los del indautor.

Sobre el particular, me permito mencionarle que el art?culo 78 de la Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor (LFDA) establece lo que debe considerarse como una obra derivada:

“Art?culo 78.- Las obras derivadas, tales como arreglos, compendios, ampliaciones, traducciones, adaptaciones, par?frasis, compilaciones, colecciones y transformaciones de obras literarias o art?sticas, ser?n protegidas en lo que tengan de originales, pero s?lo podr?n ser explotadas cuando hayan sido autorizadas por el titular del derecho patrimonial sobre la obra primigenia previo consentimiento del titular del derecho moral, en los casos previstos en la fracci?n III del Art?culo 21 de la Ley.

Cuando las obras derivadas sean del dominio p?blico, ser?n protegidas en lo que tengan de originales, pero tal protecci?n no comprender? el derecho al uso exclusivo de la obra primigenia, ni dar? derecho a impedir que se hagan otras versiones de la misma.”

Este precepto se?ala que es necesario contar con la autorizaci?n del titular del derecho patrimonial sobre en la obra en la que se ha basado para poder efectuar tanto la divulgaci?n como la explotaci?n de la obra derivada."
necesito su ayuda se?or masami kurumada2014/5/9



「聖闘士星矢」NEXT DIMENSIONがアニメになるのはずっと待っています!^_^


Merci M.Kurumada d'avoir cr?? une belle manga comme Saint Seiya&Saint Seiya Next Dimension.
Nous voulons la s?rie tv anime de Saint Seiya Next Dimenson!!!!!!!

This message is addressed to MISTER ""MASAMI KURUMADA"". I communicate in ENGLISH because I am french with also ""ITALIAN ORIGINS"", not american or english. I send him one of my WEBSITE (of WRITTER). I am beginning in this sector but in FRANCE, it's very difficult to become WRITTER. I like also really the MYTHOLOGY like him but I am very bad in the DRAWING!


I think that French People are bad in the DRAWING, that's why they count heavily on foreigners to perform in their place! I have read a lot of books about the MYTHOLOGY to learn and understand a lot of things! I am a very passionate of Astrology and Mythology!! I have still also a lot of IDEAS about this even if I think that MISTER KURUMADA doesn't respect always everything about the Traditional MYTHOLOGY! ATHENA has never been like in SAINT-SEIYA, probably not!...lol...More war, more combative, less stupid and passive!...lol...

The vision of the Japanese Woman is rather special, I think!...lol...Or very sexual or very passive and submissive!

I recently watched ""SAINT SEIYA HADES CHAPTER"" serie ...I adore, I am FAN, like SAILOR-MOON also!! Really interesting and beautiful graphically even if the ""French dialogues"" are rather bad, I think, as usual!...lol...Anyway, about Japanese cartoons, FRANCE, the dubbing has always been BAD, generally! I don't speak JAPAN, I am sorry but in FRANCE, it's maybe impossible to learn JAPAN langage, all the same!...lol...

However, SAINT-SEIYA, I like really the UNIVERSE and very beautifull visually. Happily that for the moment, nobody doesn't realize on serie with real personnage because I find usually enough ridiculous, to be honest!...BIOMAN and others stupidities...Very NULL, very BAD!...It's better only in CARTOONS, more beautifull!!

Good continuation however and maybe at soon!! You can let me a little message about my WEBSITE if you want, I will be so happy!

My WEBSITE of WRITTER!2014/5/8


"Masami Kurumada! Obrigado pelos animes, mangas, voc? ? uma grande pessoa voc? fez parte de minha infancia, e eu quero dizer Parab?ns!!!!!!!!!!!!
E um dia farei um anime, claro indo para o Jap?o.
Mas obrigado por Tudo que voc? fez, uma grande pessoa, n?s sabemos que voc? ?!"
Pedro Bueno2014/5/7
"Congratulations for his 40-year career.
Thank you for Saint Seiya, Kojiro and Ring ni Kakero that are 3 fantastic manga that accompanied my adolescence.
Now us fans, we're waiting for new volumes of Saint Seiya Next Dimension vol. 9 ...10...11...etc...a manga that is very passionate, being a sequel to the original saint seiya."
Meilleurs voeux pour sa carri?re de 40 ans Masami Kurumada; esp?rer m?me dans une s?rie oav de Saint Seiya Next Dimension. :)
Parab?ns pelos 40 anos de muito trabalho!

Saint Seiya Next Dimension essa s?rie da qual sou verdadeiramente apaixonada!

"Saint Seiya Next Dimension est un de nos manga pr?f?r?, nous voulons lire rapidement les nouveaux chapitres.
Nous attendons avec impatience les nouveaux chapitres de Saint Seiya Next Dimension."
"parabens kurumada.....vc fez minha infancia ser feliz.......muito obrigado mesmo....amo cavaleiros ate hoje e tenho 17 anos......tenho uma cole??o grande de um monte de bugiganga,kkkkk ta bso foi isso....muito obrigado e parabens mestre"
keven adriano dos santos2014/5/1
Thanks Kurumada for Saint Seiya & Saint Seiya Next Dimension.




"Masami Kurumada, obrigado por proporcionar tanta felicidade durante a minha inf?ncia. Sou f? de Cavaleiros do Zod?aco e ainda espero por uma continua??o do pr?logo do c?u.

Parab?ns pelo sucesso!"
Rafael Oliveira Duarte2014/4/30
I'M 32 YEARS OLD and I am your fan since when I was a child with 06 years old.
"Obrigado, Masami Kurumada, pelas mem?rias de inf?ncia."
"Dear Mr Kurumada:

First off, I would like to congratulate you on your 40th Work Anniversary … I am amazed by how much you have accomplished all these years. A very well deserved recognision and I hope your career does not end up soon (even if you are truly looking forward to a very nice, relaxing retirement yourself!)

Just like with other films, books or tv shows, I grew up with you - I live in Western Europe so here it was Saint Seiya, which opened me the doors to your other works (I like Fuma no Kojiro very much) When I was younger, I discovered Saint Seiya and fell in love with it. Back in the day, you did not have all this media exposure and a very convenient internet connection that would help you with news, pictures, reviews and spoilers. It was just the hope to see the entire saga on TV, and one editor that would translate your manga. I am proud to say I have all the Saint Seiya DVDs, and all your mangas, too. I was lucky to be in a country that provided the basics to us, fans.

I am patiently looking forward to your next projects - including Next Dimension, which I absolutely love. I cannot wait to see Seiya coming back and make us realise how much we missed him. Saint Seiya Omega has made me love him even more (I always did) so ND is making me anxious to see him alive and kicking. And hopefully, back to Saori and his friends.

Thank you for sharing your creativity, for being so dedicated and for keeping Saint Seiya alive. I look forward to your next projects and Legend of Sanctuary. I wish you a happy and healthy life to you and your family.

With best regards
parab?ns por ter criado melhor anime do mundo
leonardo rodrigues2014/4/26
parab?ns por todos esses anos de sant seiya voc? me encinou tudo sobre desenhar mang?
grande metres kuramada aprendi a desenha com voc? . parab?ns por tudo que o senhor fez nesse anos todos que voc? viva muito pra continuar o saint seiya pra sempre .a seiya ? meu preferido kkk
I'd like to congratulate and tank you for for the amazing work you've been doing for 40 years.
It's a important part of my life. Brazil loves you man!
Rodrigo Mendon?a2014/4/26
parab?ns Kurumada-sensei foram 40 anos de ?timos trabalhos/series/mangas fenomenais continue assim e que venham mais 40 anos!!!
tiago debrassi2014/4/26
"Obrigado Mestre Kurumada por criar obras que me inspiram a enfrentar sempre os desafios da vida! Como o Seiya, posso ser derrubado, mas sempre irei levantar para seguir em frente na luta!"
Carlos Zattar2014/4/25
"Parab?ns mestre Kurumada, pelos 40 anos de carreira! Amo seu trabalho!

Vitor E.L. de Oliveira2014/4/25
"Hola! me encanta la pel?cula del Tenkai Hen, ojal? hubiera continuado esa historia.
Obrigada por ter criado algo t?o especial como Saint Seiya. Uma das estrelas da minha constela??o que brilha desde a minha inf?ncia e continuar? reluzindo em minha vida.
"(Portugues) Muit?ssimo grato pelo que voc? fez com a minha infancial. Tem minha vida antes de Saint Seiya e minha vida depois de Saint Seiya. Eu te compreendo, se n?o puder mais desenhar que pelo menos passe os tra?os e seu legado para um pupilo. Para que assim a mitologia possa continuar.
Os tra?os n?o s?o meus, eu editei de outros fan-artistas, mas pode usar os meus conceitos para lhe facilitar.


Muito grato por tudo meu mestre."
"Thank you so much for all these years of Saint Seiya!

Many greetings from COSTA RICA, where a lot of people love your work! Here is a picture of me cosplaying as Saga Gemini, I hope you like it!

Marcel Fr?hlich2014/4/24