- 車田先生がんばれ!
- 斗馬2015/11/21
- 今は入手困難になってしまってる星矢のコミック完全版、外伝小説ギガントマキア、アニメスペシャル(昔発売されたテレビアニメシリーズのムック)、特盛星矢(各聖闘士たちの特集みたいな雑誌でしたが、「教えてシオン様」といった連載コーナーでファンからの質問にシオン様が返答する形で設定を説明してくれたコーナーは星矢ファン必読の内容でした))などの復刊をしてほしいです
- 厘2015/11/21
- Esperamos el próximo tomo de Next Dimension con ansias. Arigato, Masami San!
- Regu2015/11/20
- master in history holy silver were never shown in Hades now in its history next dimension could bring them back: misty lizard, asterion hunting dogs, moses whale, centaur babel, algol perseo, dante Cerberus, capella charioteer, Jamian crow Sirius big dog, Algethi hercules, fly god, ptolemy arrow and Orpheus harp if gold saints so should return them or else make saints of the past with those same armor and constellations
- Saint silver2015/11/19
- Eu comprei o jogo Soul Soldier's e é muito bonito.
Desenhe muitos capítulos da ND, mestre Kurumada, Olá.
- felize2015/11/19
- 漫画家を目指した者としては、週刊少年ジャンプでの、聖衣、鱗衣、冥衣のスクリーントーンの質感は神の領域でした!凄い技術だと思ってました!そして冥王神話でのCGでのオールカラー!!凡人には到底思いつかないアイディアの数々は、さすがプロの先生だな、と感動しています!自分は漫画を投稿しても、当然ボツです!てか、もう諦めます!!先生頑張って星矢を続けてください!!
- 誠2015/11/18
- 聖闘士星矢ND、楽しみにしています。
- 取ること2015/11/17
- Our desire is to see the animation of Saint Seiya Next Dimension! Thanks!
- Gostora2015/11/17
- 車田先生こんにちは!中学2年生のまいまいです。突然ですが、私は狂聖闘士星矢ファン!マジで大好きです!聖闘士星矢を知ったのは、つい1年前。父から教えてもらいました。それからすごい勢いで調べ始め、今に至ります(笑)いやあー、皆かっこいいですよね。特に黄金聖闘士。その中でも特にVirgoのシャカ!きゃああああ!本当にかっこいいです!やばいやばい!むきゃああ!あっ、鼻血が・・・(笑)
- まいまい2015/11/16
- If you master decides to take the Holy of the whale in next dimension could call it all mobydick harpooner queequeg know that moses has something inspired in the could take a Saint of dark skin color full of scars, bald and big and brawny as queequeg.
- Queequeg2015/11/16
- Master I am a guy from Spain that has grown with its history must admit that I like the protagonists bronze Saints and the Holy gold but there is a Saint of silver in particular that I like a lot and it is whale moses that character I liked that is a type of rough, big, serious and experienced his technique was sublime is a shame that he died but if someday resurrected the silver Saints I that moses would also you now that you are creating your story next dimension could exploit to the Saint of that time whale include someone like Moses thanks for every master, you are the best
- Whale moses2015/11/14
- I am waiting for you
to fix the
between Aphrodite and Deathmask
he is only a friend to Aphrodite but he loves Helena
and many people can't understand this.
I think Cardinale is a better partner for Aphrodite.
While it would be nice to see Helena alive again and with Deathmask since he deserves to be happy too.
Have a nice day.
- Fixing up some major issues2015/11/12
- 今まで色んな漫画を見てきて、それでも聖闘士星矢は一番好きな漫画です
- りんぱぴ2015/11/12
- NDの連載再開を楽しみにしながら、今は岡田先生のGアサシンと久織先生のセインティア翔を楽しんでいます。
- ND再開が楽しみ!2015/11/10
- good teacher I hope you are well your health first of all I would like to say I'm a big fan of his work Saint Seiya love I would say that many are waiting for the appearance of the Bronze Saints secondary that since no hades chapter have again appeared on the scene would also like to ask you something personal that will draw in its history next dimension A former carriers of the constellation more can and the constellation of Hercules as Sirius and Algethi are two of my saints favorite silver thank you for your attention and good luck.
- Saint of constellation of the Wolf2015/11/9
- Congratulation for all your work (Ring Ni Kakero, Fuma No Kojiro, Saint Seiya, Raimei No Zaji, Suikoden, etc.) and thank you for all.
At the present time I'm reading Next Dimension and I really like the simple design of the clothes like La Scoumoune (ラスクムーン), Callisto (カリスト), Toma (斗馬), etc.
I just hope that you'll continue to draw simple clothes.
I think that the wings for every gold cloth in Soul of Gold is too much. Some are really nice but others are overloaded.
Please keep it simple.
Best regards
- Simple design2015/11/9
- 車田先生、久しぶりに星矢を読む機会があり
- 真冬2015/11/4
- 聖闘士星矢ND、早く紫龍と氷河の活躍が見たいです!
- ガンバ2015/11/3
- 黄金魂が終わってしまい、終了直後の喪失感から立ち直りつつあります。大人になって、アニメは全くといっていいほど見なくなりましたが、黄金魂は隔週待ち遠しくて仕方なくて夢中で視聴しました。未だにこんなにも惹き付けられる黄金聖闘士達の魅力にただただ驚いています。
- うさぎ2015/10/27
- LaLaです。2回めのお便りになります。
12月にND が再開されると知った時、
- LaLa2015/10/27
- 車田先生初めてメッセージさせて頂きます。
- べるもんち2015/10/24
- 黄金魂とってもおもしろかったです!
30代になってもずっと大好きでいます!これからもずっと応援しています 車田先生お体を大切にこれからもがんばってください!!先生の作品大好きです!
- ぷりん2015/10/19
- 聖闘士星矢の天界編の続きが是非みたいです
- tt2015/10/17
- Kurumada sensei, peço do fundo do coração que se dedique a Saint Seiya Next Dimension, por favor, avance mais a história, pois assim como muitos fãs, eu aguardo ansiosamente pelo final da história de Seiya e seus amigos. ND parece ainda ter muitos capítulos por vir. Eu quero muito saber o que há pela frente, quero poder ver Seiya livre da maldição de Hades e assim como milhares, ou melhor, milhões de seus fãs, sonho com uma saga de Zeus. Por favor Kurumada sensei mostre-nos uma história esplendida. E muito obrigado por nos apresentar a um dos melhores mangás já feitos.
- Rodrigo A. N. Santos2015/10/17
- 聖闘士星矢オメガ大好きです。
- 聖闘士星矢オメガ2015/10/17
- Muito obrigado por suas estórias, elas fazem parte do meu senso de justiça, aprendi muito com elas e faço questão de comprar todos seus mangás que lançam por aqui no Brasil. parabéns pelo seu trabalho e muito obrigado, como seu fã e fã de Saint Seiya é bom ver que ainda tem mais coisas para nos contar
- Thalles Nathan2015/10/16
- 車田先生、こんばんわ。
- 不滅の射手座2015/10/14
- Dear MR. Kurumada, i wish we could have a history relating the origin of each gold knights, and how they become powerfull .
- JOAO -BRAZIL2015/10/14
- 車田先生の作品にはハズレがありません。
- tsune2015/10/12
- こんにちは、車田先生。
- リザド2015/10/11
- Maestro solo quiero agradecerle por la obra de saint seiya soul gold ,espero mas adelante nos siga deleitando con sus obras del universo de saint seiya ,espero siga sacando serie y mas mangas, un abrazo afectuoso desde chile
- felipe de pegaso2015/10/11
- Hello Kurumada san.. Your works are so great,
Well i was working for my univ thesis that entitled "Saint Seiya Cloth Visual Concept". So i need to contacted you as a interviewee. Is there any available email to contact ?
Thankyou :D
- Kei2015/10/10
- Admit it! Cardinale and Aphrodite are a greater couple than Aphrodite and Deathmask :)
- fan2015/10/10
- OI mestre Kurumada eu também sou fã desde 1994 quando a série estreou no Brasil. queria saber quando queteremos novos episódios de ND e uma nova temporada de Alma de Ouro ou outra saga desde já agradeço.
- Carlos Santos2015/10/9
- こんにちは。
- 誠2015/10/7
- Greetings Mr. Kurumada. Iam so dissapointed, why the series of Saint Seiya Soul of Gold is too short. There is a several story not untold or lack a detail. For example : Firstly, a battle between Capricorn shura and Aquarius Camus, in the end there's any a unclear story. After the big bang, suddenly shura has go down and near to the death and camus in a serious condition. I think in the final episode there should be reveal or expresses or something like flashback about conversation between shura and camus before the big bang. Or, described how shura turn his fist to the ice stone. Secondly, why shura and pisces aphrodite only get a little chance to wearing a God Cloth. Shura had only just once chance to wearing a God Cloth in final episode. In a previous episode, especially when enganged in combat with camus, theres only a half of god cloth capricorn has been seen and just a second too. After that, shura dead and his body absorbing by the giant root. It is, in my point a view, not fair for shura. thirdly, Leo Aiolos is too dominantly in the entire story. Fourthly, why shura should facing his friend Camus ? May thats will be better if shura facing a asgard warrior and use his excalibur to defeat asgardian. Fifthly, 13 episode is not enought to describing role of twelve Gold Saint. I think there is should be minimal 36 episodes. I hope you made the next saint seiya anime or the other story about all of the gold saint and share a equal role to the all of them. thanks a lot.
- ari indonesian people2015/10/7
- Obrigado por criar essa maravilha chamada Saint Seiya. Marcou uma geração aqui no Brasil. Obrigado Kurumada-Sensei
- Diego Miyabi2015/10/7
- 車田先生こんにちわ。聖闘士星矢は俺たちに無限の力を与えてくれます。これから先NDを完結させ、天界編、クロノス編とこの作品はまだまだ続くでしょう。先生!オールカラーやめて昔のジャンプの時みたいに週刊連載お願いします。俺も少年時代をとうに過ぎ、私ももう親父・・時が経つのは本当に早い。ただ「聖闘士星矢」を好きな気持ちは親父になった今も昔となんら変わらないです。聖闘士星矢は車田正美先生の作品!いろんな聖闘士星矢が現在ありますが、やはり俺は魂のこもった本物。熱く激しいあなたの「聖闘士星矢」が読みたい!皆は無理をせず連載を・・と言うが、俺はあえて先生にお願いしたい。命を削ってでも「聖闘士星矢」を描いて欲しい!世界中の皆が車田正美の聖闘士星矢、それもゼウス、クロノスを星矢・一輝・紫龍・氷河・瞬の5人の少年たちがアテナとともにぶち破るのを楽しみにしているのだから!先生、いつまでもカノン島で翼を休めてるつもりですか?「車田正美は不死鳥フェニックス!」世界の人々にに希望と感動を届ける「最高の男!」今がその時!コスモを究極にまで高め、再びはばたけ!!!世界最高の不死鳥よ!
- s、suetsu2015/10/6
- hola un saludo desde Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, esperemos seguir viendo mas del universo Saint Seiya...
- Señor Kurumada,2015/10/6
- Hello Kurumada i am very disappointed i waited for next dimension to start in september but i noticed it was a joke..where is the respect for us fans who wait and pray everyday that you will start this wonderful manga?
- disappointment2015/10/5
- Hi Mr Kurumada,
I'm a huge fan of Saint Seiya for more than 10 years. I'm in Tokyo this and next week and would like to visit your museum and studio if possible. Is there an address that is available to the public?
Thank you so much!!!
- Want to visit the museum!2015/10/2
- できたらNDを毎週、あるいは毎月連載で続けてみたいです!
- バイオレート2015/10/1
- 小学校の頃からファンです。
- 川崎のアリエス2015/9/30
- Sr. Kurumada como deve saber Saint Seya influenciou gerações aqui no Brasil. Sou um grande fã, mas também estou muito entristecido com o andamento do mangá/anime. Gostaria que a história pudesse ir fechando os chamados "pontos sem nó", a história não precisa acabar, mas ficar criando especulações , ficar esperando anos por um novo número é muito cansativo. Gostaria de lhe pedir humildemente que pudesse retomar a obra e colocar Saint Seya no topo!
- Cavaleiros do Zodiaco2015/9/30
- 黄金魂面白かったです。ぜひ第2弾もやってほしいです。
- クリス2015/9/28
- Hello Kurumada sensei,
I am a french fan of your works since the beggining and especially SAINT SEIYA but I also like very much Ring Ni Kakero.
I have read your last manga "Saint Seiya - The Next Dimension" until the 9th volume and I am happy and very interested by story and the puzzles. I follow the adventures of Athena No BronzeSaints since many years and I am so happy that you permitted me to continue it.
I really like a lot of your characters but my favorite is the "Old Master" Roshi - Densetsu 天秤座の童虎 that you described on the manga as the most powerful Goldsaint (サガからは、老齢ながら全聖闘士中で最強と評されていた)
He is so cool, kind, smart and so powerful. But, while he is a very important character in the story, during 2 century, you'd never show us his history and his path, and why his is so experimented and strong?
I think that when he was a young Saint, during the holly war against Hades, he had accomplished many battles and triumphed of many trials, like Seiya, Shiryû and the other brothers, that why he trust them, that is because he already knows what they lived during battles.
I was surprised by his nature because he was sometimes immature but I would like to thank you very much to do your best for giving him the best, arigatô gozaimasu Kurumada sensei.
I was so pleased to see his fight against Garuda No suikyo (ガルーダの水鏡 ) and to see how kind and loyal he was with his friend. It prouves that he is so viril. I am very proud of him!
I hope to see during the rest of the war how powerful and important in the war he will be. I can assure you that it is one of my dreams.
And please, kurumada sensei, don't let the most part of fans influenced you because I don't want that "Saint Seiya" becomes "Saint Saga". Gemini no Saga is a good character but not better than the others whatever would like a part of fans.
Take care of yourselves, 車田先生.
- an old fan2015/9/28
- 聖闘士星矢オメガ大好きです。
- 龍峰「坂本裕子」2015/9/27
- 黄金魂最高でした!
- 友和2015/9/27
- Hi Kurumada, I'm from Brazil, we are a country of continental proportions and quite consume the saint seiya series! Our desire is to see the animation continuity of Lost Canvas and Next Dimension! Thanks!
- Marcos2015/9/27
- Next dimension please!!!
Congratulation for Soul of Gold!!
- Tiago (Brazil)2015/9/26