- ¿Masami Kurumada como Seiya y Atenea se salvarán en Saint Seiya Next Dimension?
A continuación, veamos, cree los capítulos de la nueva temporada de Next Dimension. Tengo mucha curiosidad por ver qué sucederá.
- guarin edez2019/06/24
- Saludos desde México le escribo para agredecerle todos momentos que he pasado con saint seiya y por enseñarme nunca rendirme ante los obstáculos
- Fernando ocampo2019/06/23
- When the NEXT DIMENSION anime?
- four2019/06/23
- お願いですからnext dimension新刊早くお願いします。
- デスマスク2019/06/23
- When does volume 13 of 'SS Next Dimension' come out?
I also await the chapters of volume 14.
It would also be nice to have an animated series of 'SS Next Dimension'.
- Birdie2019/06/22
- 早く「NEXT DIMENSION」の13巻と続きが見たいです。
- 明鏡止水2019/06/21
- 星矢はもう描かないんですか
- Apollo2019/06/20
- NT2019/06/20
- 私はまだ高校生なのですが母と父から聖闘士星矢を薦められ一気にはまりました。1番最初から映画やΩまで全てみてそれを何度も何度も繰り返すほど大好きです!星矢たちの熱い気持ちや沙織さんの勇気をみていつも希望をもらいます。私は将来声優になりたいと思っているのですがそのきっかけをくれた1つが聖闘士星矢だといっても過言ではありません!親から子へと受け継がれ、ながくたくさんの人に愛し続けられてる理由は言葉に表せられないくらい深くて何か心に突き刺さるものが聖闘士星矢にらあったからだと思います。私も大人になったら絶対に子供に教えたいです。ずっとずっと大好きです!!!
- ATHENA2019/06/20
- En la nueva temporada de ND me gustaría ver cómo el Gold Saint de Ofiuco cura a la diosa Atenea.
- neizat aveldo2019/06/20
- Mr Kurumada Masami, currently at 'Saint Seiya Next Dimension' there are 12/13 volumes, assuming an average of 2 episodes for volume, 24 animated episodes of ND could be realized.
Es:12 episodes for the first 6/7 volumes and then a second series of 12 episodes for the next 5/6 volumes.
It's time for Toei to make a beautiful animated series of ND of 24 ep.
- Startony2019/06/17
- 星矢NEXT DIMENSION 単行本13...14...ect
- 田作2019/06/17
- I would like to read the new chapters of Saint Seiya Next Dimension as soon as possible.
- ice loveres2019/06/15
- Mr Kurumada of Saint Seiya NEXT DIMENSION there are 12 volumes released so far, considering an average of 2 episodes for volume, Toei can make a first animated ND season of 24 episodes.
The time has come.
- momie2019/06/12
- I want the new season of NEXT DIMENSION chapters.
- olomor2019/06/12
- Y cuando respondera alguno de nuestros mensajes Masami kurumada?
- Ikki no Fenix2019/06/08
- Kurumada Sensei.
Queremos que busque un sucesor, que pueda continuar la Next Dimension, se que fue duro de ser mangaka, como paso con Toriyama, busco un sucesor. Y ahora es tu turno que busque un nuevo sucesor que continue de la Saga de Next Dimension, te estaremos apoyando Sensei Kurumada
- Hyoga de Cisne2019/06/07
- I want to read the new season of Next Dimension.
I want to see a fight of Ikki, Shiryu, Shun and Hyoga against the thirteenth Gold Saint of Ophiuchus.
- scribner2019/06/07
- Quando retorna Next Dimension?
Saudações do Brasil.
- pablo2019/06/07
- Hello Muster Masami Kurumada.
My most favorite character of
Knight of Zodiac is Shaka of
The reason is that terribleness
of shaka is Surprised
Helen Adams Keller,ganjin oshou
and go shouon.
- Shaka Nyorai2019/06/06
- 車田正美先生へ
そして余談なのですが、私は今年の夏に23区外の某場末でスナックを開く事にしました。お店の名前は「スナック ジュリー」です。お店の中には沢田研二さんの写真とハマのジュリーの絵を飾りたいなあと思っています。あ、そんな事を勝手にしたらダメなのでしょうか…。コミックスも全巻置きたいのですが、カウンターだけの狭いお店なので…何とかスペースを確保したいなあと思っています。先生がこんな店に来ることは無いと思いますので代わりにもし男坂ファンの人が来てくれたら瓶ビール1本サービスとかしようかと思います。万が一ハマのジュリーのファンなら焼酎ボトル1本くらいの出血大サービスをしようかなと思います!この様な仕事は初めてなので不安もありますが、大好きな二人のジュリーに囲まれて仕事が出来るなんて幸せです♬車田先生、ハマのジュリーを男坂を私にありがとうございます!
- エレベーター2019/06/05
- 武島本陣戦楽しみにしています。
- まさ2019/06/04
- Next Dimension「杯座の水鏡」のキャラクターのバンダイアクションフィギュアをお願いします。
「杯座の水鏡」Myth Cloth。
- 水鏡2019/06/03
- 車田正美先生!聖闘士星矢まってます!
- 鈴置洋孝さん好き2019/06/03
- NDの続きは描かないのですか。
- ultra2019/06/03
- Señor Kurumada.
Vuelva con Next Dimension y haga aparecer a Zeus de una vez por todas y saque esa tontería de Ofiuco de la historia.
- Gonza2019/06/02
- Mestre Kurumada nos novos capítulos da NEXT DIMENSION gostaria de ver como Athena é curada pelo veneno da cobra venenosa e depois também um duelo entre Atena e Odysseus de Ofiúco.
Saudações do Brasil.
Master Kurumada in the new chapters of NEXT DIMENSION I'd like to see how Athena is cured by the venom of the poisonous snake and then also a duel between Athena and Odysseus of Ophiuchus.
Greetings from Brazil.
- Mello dayane2019/06/02
- pusic2019/06/02
- Mr. Masami Kurumada continues immediately NEXT DIMENSION I want to see a duel in the Temple of Ophiuchus between Athena against Odysseus.
- jonson2019/06/01
- Hola Kurumada Sensei
MAsami Kurumada, estamos esperando la entrega de Next Dimension. Queremos saber si puedes continuar tu historia de Ofiuco, sobre en el Templo de Virgo. Y no ha salido el capitulo 96, lo pausaste en el capitulo 95, donde Asclepios, quedo en un profundo sueño. Que paso con los demas como Shiryu en el Templo de Escorpion y Hyoga en el Templo de Sagitario, cuando va a continuar, Seiya de Pegaso, quedara en estado vegetativo y quisiera saber si continua, y ahora el problema del Santuario esta Hades y Asclepio, que paso con la continuacion.
Gracias Maestro Masami Kurumada
- Hyoga de Cisne2019/06/01
- Señor kurumada he sido admirador desde que era un pequeño niño y le suplicó dos cosas termine el spin off del lienzo perdido tomé su rol en el nextdimension y por dios siga creando más de saint seiya
- Luis Miguel Amancio2019/05/27
- Hello Master Kurumada !
I would like the Pope in ND ( Next Dimension) be the Old Saint of the Sagittarius! Please Master ! Please !!
- Minato2019/05/26
- From Brazil and others country continue Next Dimension!! For Athena !!!
- André2019/05/23
- Mr Kurumada we want the new chapters of NEXT DIMENSION.
- Inivlas2019/05/21
- Hello,
I’m an old and loyal fan of Saint Seiya, it’s practically part of my life and it’s my favourite manga and anime ever.
My favourite character of all is Pisces Aphrodite!
As a big fan I’d love to ask so many questions about Saint Seiya, but the first one would definitely be this:
- What happened to Aphrodite and Dearh Mask during the Hades (Sanctuary) chapter? They seem so weak and cowards. They are defeated so easily and it hurts to see them praying Radamanthys to spare their lives. Please, clarify the reason why they act this way.
- Episode 0: Shura, Aphrodite and Death Mask follow the Pope’s order and try to stop Aiolos. It’s seen that the three of them are conscious that the baby is Athena, however, Shura cuts off the bridge’s ropes and let Aiolos and Athena fall, then he cries and says that she will eventually reborn. Why doesn’t he try to save her? Aphrodite and Death Mask are surprised by Shura’s action as they are worried about Athena. When and how the three find out the true identify of the Pope and his plans?
- Also, Shura in the anime acts weird as he goes after Aiolos and Athena but he tries to kill her? Why? He should have known he was Athena.
- Are Royal Demon Roses “natural” as it seems in the anime and manga when Aphrodite says that in ancient times they were used as a defence in royal palaces? Aphrodite uses them as a technique, therefore he can create them. Is Aphrodite copying this natural flower and so is the Sanctuary itself for defence (as we can see in Next Dimension when the Sanctuary protects itself against Athena and Shijima)? Or perhaps these flowers are somehow magical and created by holy places for gods’ will? Does Aphrodite become immune to their poison while learning how to create them? (As said, Aphrodite is my favourite character ever and I’d love to know everything about him).
- Some Saints seem to reincarnate, some other are taught by their masters to inherit the master’s armour and techniques (Mu becomes Aries Saint while Shion is still alive). If there’s no master, who can teach them the right techniques? How does this work exactly? How are humans linked and born under specific stars? Why someone becomes a specific Saint of a specific hierarchy?
Could you please dedicate some of your time to me and clarify these points? I understand it’s a lot of questions but it would mean the world to me and millions of fans!
Thank you very much and...
Saint Seiya is the best!
- Samuele Falzone2019/05/20
- We want the new chapters of Saint Seiya NEXT DIMENSION and Saint Seiya ORIGIN.
- ebutuoy2019/05/19
- Kurumada sensei, I wish Suikyô was the Sagittarius sign! Suikyô could be the Sagittarius's gold Saint!! Thanks !
- Arizu2019/05/19
- nozama2019/05/17
- El remake de Saint Seiya CGI de Netflix en julio.
- mabo gil2019/05/17
- Una pregunta Kurumada
CUando seguira la Next Dimension, te estamos apoyando
- Hyoga de Cisne2019/05/17
- 皆様と同じく聖闘士星矢NEXT DIMENSIONの再開を心待ち、熱望しています
- だきます2019/05/16
- Go with Next Dimension.
- Messon2019/05/16
- Hello , My name is Francisco from Tijuana México i am 33 years old and im a big fan of SAINT SEIYA since i was 6 years old .
This coming 2020 i going to fly to Japan and i would like to meet you ....
I have a question for you master , is there any chance to see AIOLOS in the NEXT DIMENSION manga ?
It will be nice to get an answer from you ...
- Master2019/05/15
- 希望您能早日将next dimension完结。期待!!!
- 来自中国的迷2019/05/13
- hayaku
- kiki2019/05/13
- Kurumada.
Cuando vas a continuar la Next Dimension. Quisiera que continue tu historia, no se sabe cuando vas hacer la entrega, muchos fans estamos esperando que continue el siguiente el capitulo y los volumenes
- Hyoga de Cisne2019/05/11
- Por favor, titio-Kurumada!
Volte com Saint Seiya. É minha obra favorita e acompanho desde quando era apenas um garotinho. Tudo em Saint Seiya me fez mudar o modo de pensar, agir, enfim, me tornaram uma pessoa melhor. Eu realmente aprendi muito com essa incrível e insuperável obra, assim como as outras de sua autoria. O Mito Galático é sensacional e espero logo seu retorno para assim, me deliciar nas aventuras. Abraços do Brasil!
- Alexandre2019/05/08
- 初めてメッセージいたします。
- こぶし2019/05/08
- 私はまだ10代の女子学生なんですが、2012年に放送の聖闘士星矢Ωで聖闘士星矢を知り、その後ドハマりしました!当時小学生の私は父に無理を言ってTSUTAYAに毎週連れて行ってもらい、聖闘士星矢のアニメを借りては観るというのを幼いながらも繰り返していました。それほど面白かったのです。私はやはり学生、エピGなどの作品を購入できていませんが、読める日を想像しながらジャンプ+で毎日聖闘士星矢を読んでいます!どうぞお体に気をつけて連載頑張ってください!ちなみに私は双子座ではないのですが、サガが一番の推しです!(笑)
- 聖闘士星矢ファン2019/05/07
- ネットフリック版CG聖闘士星矢は、瞬が、女性ですが、暗黒アンドロメダは、女性ですか?オリジンの、邪神ケールは、誰に封印されるのでしょうか?
- たこちゃん2019/05/06